The Masters League 2017 – Full Details
Introducing the 2017 Masters League..! The races are open to A4, A3 and Limited Competition (LC) licence holders Points Scoring - 20, 15, 10, 7 and 5 points (1 to 5 placings) The Master's League will be 15 (More events can be added as part of the league but only 12...
BMX Commission – Information and AGM 2017
ATTENTION ALL BMX Riders and Supporters... Cycling Ulster BMX Commission AGM and Information Evening Tuesday 21st February 7 pm....... Venue... BHB Safety Unit 2, Karl Industrial Park, 92 Old Ballyrobin Rd, Antrim BT41 4TJ
Safeguarding Course Dunloy 20th February
Cycling Ulster will be delivering a Safeguarding Course in Dunloy Parish Centre on Monday evening 29th February at 7.pm. The course was requested by Dunloy CC but is open to members from other clubs in the area. The course will be delivered by Cycling Ulster's...

Event and Rider Safety – URGENT ACTION NEEDED!
Wanted... Cycling Ulster members - Help to improve and make Cycling Safer! Cycling Ulster Secretary Carl Fullerton is calling on all our members to get in touch with him TODAY... Email...carlfullerton@hotmail.com....He is asking for expressions of...

Woman’s AGM 2017
http://www.womenscyclingulster.com/ The Cycling Ulster Woman's AGM was held on Friday evening at the new Velo Cafe Shop on High Street Belfast - A wide range of interesting issues was discussed. Following the AGM, Lauren Bell from North Down Physio and Sports Injury...

Cycling Ulster Track Commission 2017
The Cycling Ulster Track Commission AGM took place yesterday Sunday, 22nd January at the Bowling Pavilion, Orangefield. Youth medal winners at Orangefield The CU Track AGM was overseen and chaired by Cycling Ulster executive officers Tommy McCaugue and Patrick...

CLOSED- Ulster Team Manager/s for the Commonwealth Games
....CLOSED.... Cycling Ulster wishes to seek expression of interests from persons who wish to manage the 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games team and/or persons who wish to manage the 2018 Commonwealth (Senior) Games team. The Commonwealth Youth Games will be held this year...

Ulster Championships Road & Off Road – Promoters Wanted
Cycling Ulster are seeking Expressions of Interest from clubs who wish to promote our various 2017 provincial road and off road championships. The medals to be awarded for the various categories in these disciplines will be finalised by Cycling Ulster in February....
An Opportunity to be the Cycling Ulster Title Kit Sponsor
"Cycling Ulster Team Kit Supplier and Sponsorship Opportunity" Cycling Ulster is seeking Expressions of Interest from a suitable company wanting to supply or becoming the title kit sponsor... if successful the company's name and logo will be in "Prime" position on the...

NOTICE – Cycling Ulster Track Commission AGM 2017
The Cycling Ulster Track Commission AGM will take place next Sunday, 22nd January in the Bowling Pavilion at Orangefield at 2.30pm. Orangefield Lane, Bloomfield Road, Belfast, BT5 Positions on the Commission The commission will be made up of the following positions....