2021 Ulster Championship Promoters Wanted
Cycling Ulster are seeking clubs to register an interest for hosting Ulster road and off-road championship events by Sunday 15th November 2020. If there is more than one club interested in promoting a championship event then Cycling Ulster will seek further...
Ulster 25 miles TT Championship Results
Emyvale Cycling Club promoted the 2020 edition of the Ulster 25 miles time-trial Championship on a fast rolling course on the roads of County Monaghan and County Armagh yesterday (Saturday). Results can be seen below.

Parents in Sport Week.
Parents in Sport Week starts 7th – 13th Oct 2019. Cycling Ireland would encourage you to support the call to encourage parents to sign up to the Sports Parents Promise. Please let me know if your sport are planning to support the campaign or if you require the media...

Get Active ABC Council Inclusive Cycle Scheme
Disability Sport NI recently launched a project which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities in Northern Ireland, through participation in sport and active recreation – and the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon area will benefit...
Help a Former Irish Team Para-cyclist
Para-cycling in Ireland has come along way since Armagh's Paddy Gallen was blazing a trail for disabled cyclists in the country in the 1980's with medals now being won on a regular basis by Irish riders at World and Olympic level. Paddy is no longer able to get out on...

Handcycling Come & Try Event in Donegal
Bluestack Sports Hub is hosting a handcycling come & try event at the Finn Valley Centre Stranorlar from 2-4pm on Sunday 20th of January 2019. Handcycling is an inclusive sport that’s open to both adults and children. It's a healthy activity for people with a...

CU Welcome Gosford Forest Park Redevelopment
Cycling Ulster have welcomed the redevelopment of cycling facilities at Gosford Forest Park. Cycling Ulster were represented by Tommy McCague (Chairman), Maurice McAllister (Executive Officer) and Gary Lavery (Membership Development Officer) at the launch of new...

The Meeting with Cycling Ireland 14th Sept. Statement
The statement released on 7th September by Cycling Ulster. “The Cycling Ulster Executive have received a number of enquiries in relation to selection for the Irish squad at the upcoming road world championships. “While Cycling Ulster has no role in the selection of...

RIDER SELECTION – Cycling Ulster Executive Statement
IMPORTANT NOTICE to ALL our Members "The Cycling Ulster Executive have received a number of enquiries in relation to selection for the Irish squad at the upcoming road world championships. "While Cycling Ulster has no role in the selection of the national team, we...
Disability Inclusion Training Course
Disability Sport NI are running an inclusion training course in Belfast on the 27th June. Details can be seen below. If any clubs are interested in attending could they please contact Mark Montgomery on 028 9046 9925 (telephone) or 028 9046 3494 (textphone). Course...