Regional Development Officer

Gary McKeegan is the Regional Development Officer for Ulster. His role is to help and support all cycling clubs new and existing in several key areas including:

  • Delivery and support of cycling participation programmes like; Cycling Skills, Bike for Life, Ride Leader and other new Cycling Ireland initiatives aimed at cyclists in the Ulster region.
  • Support the formation and development of new and existing cycling clubs in Ulster.
  • Communicating with existing cycling clubs on the implementation of the best practice development model for the sport.
  • Planning, organising and hosting club development workshops for all current club coaches and club personnel and the identification, training and development of new club coaches and club leaders in Ulster.
  • To support and help cycling clubs with funding applications and information on funding opportunities for clubs.
  • To support and give advice to clubs on Club Development Plans and Club Self-Assessment System.
  • To support and give advice to clubs on the development and funding for Cycling Infrastructure to include; Cycling Hubs and Cycling Facilities.
  • Supporting clubs in the development of key partnerships with; local authorities, schools and other interest groups that will increase the development of cycling in Ulster.
  • Answer enquiries from schools, local authorities and other interest groups in relation to Cycling Ireland Programmes in partnership with their local Cycling Club.
  • Answer enquiries from clubs in relation to club structure, development, funding, facility development, participation and best practice guidelines.

You can contact Gary via email,