MARCH 30 @ 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Not only have more people in Northern Ireland died by taking their own lives since the signing of the Good Friday agreement, than from violence during the troubles, but suicide rates in Northern Ireland have increased at a greater pace than the rest of the UK.
According to the Samaritans, overall suicide rates in the UK have increased by 3.8% since 2014. However, during the same period in Northern Ireland, the number of deaths attributed to suicide has increased by 18.5%, whilst rates have decreased in the rest of Ireland by 13.1%.
On Saturday March 30th, Cycle Against Suicide will host a ‘spinoff cycle’ in Belfast to bring all communities together to build resilience and highlight the supports and treatments locally that are available to those in need.
We ask all people throughout Belfast to join with us on March 30th to fight this epidemic and show support to those suffering in your community that: It’s OK not to feel OK; and it is absolutely OK to ask for help’
Registration Costs
Non Cycling Ireland members £30
Cycling Ireland Members £20
Unwaged/Retired/Student £15
Venue –