Sport Northern Ireland have launched Project Re-boot as part of their ‘Supporting Sport to Build Back Better’ initiative. Project Re-boot will invest in new and innovative projects intended to support the engagement and re-engagement of participants into sport, particularly people from groups who have been especially impacted by Covid-19.

It has three levels of investment:


The first investment level to be released is Team-Up.

·        Sport NI invite applications in January 2021 that request support from £10,000-£25,000.

·        All projects must be delivered by 31st March 2022.

·        Closing date for applications: 1st March 2021 (12 noon)

·        Collaboration and partnership working is key to the success of Team Up

While there is no requirement for Partnership Funding, organisations should consider the availability of other sources of funding (including in-kind support).

Team-up will invest in projects that support the sporting sector to:

·        Innovatively adapt to and plan for a changed sporting landscape due to the anticipated long-lasting impacts of COVID-19.

·        Positively impact their communities in the wake of COVID-19.

·        Contribute to improved partnership working across the sports sector.


·        Sport NI invite applications in the spring of 2021 that request support up to £5,000.

·        All projects must be delivered by 31st March 2022.

·        Applicants should be aware that partnership funding may be a likely requirement for this investment strand.

Sport Local:

·        Sport NI invite applications in the early summer of 2021 that request support from £500 to £1,000.

·        There is no requirement for partnership funding.

For more information see Supporting Sport To Build Back Better – Project Re:boot : Team Up | Sport NI