HER Outdoors Week, an initiative by Sport Ireland, took place from 14th – 20th August , it is an opportunity to re-ignite and re-introduce females to the outdoors. “FIND YOUR OUTDOORS” will inspire, educate, and encourage more females to get out into the great outdoors. We want them to embrace the elements, immerse themselves in nature and most importantly have fun!
This is the third year Sport Ireland have run this initiative to celebrate and encourage more women and girls in the outdoors. This campaign looks to empower females to find what the outdoors means to them by redefining the perception of outdoor sport whilst evoking the excitement that comes with discovering the outdoors.
Several events took place throughout the Province during the week.
Community Bike Ride Leader, Joanna, introduced her group of Ladies to the stunning roads of Kesh on an introductory 15km spin.
CS Lewis Square saw Rebecca and Gemma lead a Community Bike ride to Billy Neill Centre and then added a bonus Pizza to the ride. Appreciation goes out to The Cycling Ulster Leisure Commission for subsidising the pizza at The Bullhouse East.
Both Belfast City BMX Club and Lisburn BMX Club ran intro sessions to get more females onto small wheels.
Thanks to the clubs who ran events, and to the volunteers taking part in the sessions.
It was great to see new faces introduced to the sport.
If you are interested in joining any of the activities, please contact Belfast City BMX Club and Lisburn BMX Club directly.
Interested in Social Spins? Sign up to www.communitybikerides.ie to find spins in your local area.