There are plans to hold several Cycling Ireland Ride Leader Training Courses in Ulster between now and the end of 2018. If any club are interested in running a Ride Leader Training Course before the end of this year at your club or in partnership with another club/s, please see the 11 dates below that the tutor is currently free for booking.


  1. Sat September 29th
  2. Sun September 30th
  3. Sat October 6th
  4. Sun October 7th
  5. Sun October 28th
  6. Sun November 4th
  7. Sat November 10th
  8. Sun December 2nd
  9. Sun December 9th
  10. Sat December 15th
  11. Sun December 16th


To book a Ride Leader course with Ian Bailey the course tutor please email CI Coach Education Officer, Roisin Hickey with your choice of date to:


Please note you will need a suitable venue to host the Ride Leader course ie a committee room / classroom type facility with access to a carpark area or area outside for some of the cycling activities.


If a club has any queries, please contact Cycling Ulster Membership Development Officer, Gary Lavery by email