This week is Parents in Sport Week. The NSPCC have compiled some resources and information which is outlined below.
5 ways to get involved
· hold a special parents event – this could be anything from a social event to a parents training session. We’ve even created a downloadable invitation for you to use.
· download and share our flyers which include top tips on how to involve parents at your club
· take a look at the wealth of information on our parents in sport resource page, including an email signature you can use and a template presentation on promoting positive parental involvement in your club
· tell us what you’re up to on Twitter – share your PISW stories. Make sure you include the hashtags #involvingparents and #ParentsinSportWeek2018
· watch and share our positive sports parents videos for important messages about the benefits of parental involvement in sport
3 ways parents can benefit your club
There are a number reasons why having parents involved in your sports club can be beneficial but here’s the top 3:
· increased and sustained participation – children are much more likely to take part in sport and remain engaged for longer if parents show an interest in their child’s sport. They also, more often than not, provide children with access to sport through finance and transport
· help is on hand – willing parents can play an active role in the clubs every day activities like handing out drinks, volunteering as a linesperson or official, or even just being an extra pair of eyes on what can sometimes be, a large group of children
· model behaviour – children can naturally get upset when they’re struggling to achieve or when there’s a loss. Parents can work with coaches to manage children’s behaviour on and off the pitch and support coaches to create a positive environment where good sportsmanship is a priority
There are so many ways to get involved in Parents in Sport Week (PISW) – be creative, have fun and most importantly, get parents involved.
Don’t forget to let us know if you hold any events during Parents in Sport Week. Tag us on Twitter @TheCPSU, using the hashtag #involvingparents. Alternatively, you can request our media pack by emailing us on
Promotional resources
· Parents in Sport Week Poster 1 (PDF)
· Parents in Sport Week Poster 2 (PDF)
· Parents in Sport Week email signature (JPG)
· Sample parents event invitation (PDF)
· ‘We’re supporting PISW 2018’ (JPG) – infographic to download and use on social media to show your support
· ‘I’m a proud sports parent’ (JPG) – infographic to download and share on social media to show you’re a proud sports parent who supports PISW 2018
Resources for coaches, clubs and venues
· Top tips for working with parents – A5 flyer for coaches (PDF; new for 2018)
· ‘It’s our game, not yours’ – PowerPoint presentation (updated 2018)
· Code of conduct for parents and carers – sample template (PDF)
· Parents in sport – leaflet for coaches