Introducing the 2017 Masters League..!
The races are open to A4, A3 and Limited Competition (LC) licence holders
Points Scoring – 20, 15, 10, 7 and 5 points (1 to 5 placings)
The Master’s League will be 15 (More events can be added as part of the league but only 12 events will count)
League Points Awarded for the best 12 Events.
In the event of a tie….count back on best places will be decided.
The 2017 Master’s League Events (subject to update)
These events are not in order and will be sorted asap…..
Phoenix GP
John Haldane
Square Wheelers GP
Lurgan GP
Billy Stewart
Mid Ulster GP
Dunloy GP
Bann Wheelers GP
Carn Wheelers GP
Emyvale GP
North Down GP
Hugo Loughran GP
Clogher Valley GP
JG Memorial
McCann Cup
NOTE – Masters riders wanting to ride events outside of an organised League will require a “Full Competition Licence”
For more details contact League organisers …Brian Doherty (Bann Wheelers CC) and John McArdle (Square Wheelers CC)