Cycling Ulster have provided an update on the hiring of race radios as well as the booking and collection of accredited marshal signs and hi-vis jackets.
Race Radios
Going forward race promoters should book the Cycling Ulster race radios by contacting Gary Lavery ( / 07927561720). These will be available to be collected Monday-Friday (9am-5pm) from his office at Loughgall Country Park, 11-14 Main Street, Loughgall, Co. Armagh, BT61 8HZ. Clubs will be charged £50 per event for rental of the radios and this payment should be sent to Cycling Ulster via paypal (
Accredited Marshal Equipment
There is stock of the new accredited marshal signs available for use at events. These signs are free to use for race promoters however costs for repairing any damage caused or replacing signs that are not returned will be charged to the club. Members who recently completed the Accredited Marshals Scheme course can also collect the hi-vis jackets that have been supplied by the PSNI. Please contact Gary on details above to book the use of the signs and for collection of jackets.