Several Cycling Ulster Commissions will be holding their AGM over the coming weeks. The latest dates and venues can be seen below.

Any member of Cycling Ulster is welcome to attend these meetings and put themselves forward for nomination to a position and have the right to vote. Any information specific to a Commission can be seen below as well.

Youth Academy

When? Tues 28th November @ 7pm

Where? Cookstown Leisure Centre

(All nominations to be addressed at the AGM must be must be received by the Secretary, Paul Dixon, by Saturday 25th November 2017. Nominations must have the knowledge and support of the nominee. All motions to be addressed at the AGM must be must be received by the Secretary, Paul Dixon, by Saturday 25th November 2017. To receive Motion and Nomination forms please request these by e-mail from

Road Commission

When? Mon 4th December 2017 @7.30pm

Where? Quinn’s Corner, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, BT70 1RX

BMX Commission

When? Fri 8th December 2017 @7pm

Where? BHB Safety offices, Karl Business Park, 92 Old Ballyrobin Road, Antrim

Off-road Commission

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission will take place on Saturday 16 December 2017.

The venue is “The Seagoe Hotel”
Upper Church Lane, Portadown BT63 SJE

Meet at 11:45 with start time at 12:00.

Positions on the Commission
The commission will be made up of the following positions.  All of the posts are available.
A member of the Cycling Ulster Executive will attend this AGM.

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • plus up to 6 other positions for commission members

You can put forward nominations for the above posts by following the criteria below.  You can also put forward motions, again, using the format below.
Nominations and motions for change must be sent to Martin Grimley ( by close of play on Tuesday 12 December 2017.
Martin will confirm receipt of your email.
All nominations must be from a current Cycling Ireland member aged 18 or over.  The nomination should read
“I, <your full name>, Licence number <your licence number>, would like to nominate <full name of candidate> for the position of <position>.”
Note: The candidate must be aware of the nomination.

The motions must be put forward by a Cycling Ireland member and must begin with the line:
“I, <your full name>, Licence number <your licence number> would like to put forward the following motion…”.  Please ensure the motion is clear.

The person who puts forward the motion MUST attend the AGM or their motion will not be heard.

Who can attend?
All members of Cycling Ireland clubs can attend however only nominated delegates from the clubs are entitled to vote.  All attendees must sign in with their name, club, and licence number (2017).

The meeting will be conducted by out-going chair Martin Grimley.