The Cycling Ulster AGM will take place on Saturday 3rd November 2018 in the O’Neill Arms Hotel at Toomebridge, Co Antrim at 12 Noon. The order of business for the day will be as follows
- Chairman’s Address
- To adopt the standing orders for the orderly conduct of the AGM.
- To consider the Minutes of the AGM of Saturday 4th November 2017.
- To receive the Financial statement to December 2017 approved by Cycling Ireland and the Income and Expenditure Statement for 9 months ended September 2018
- To fix the Cycling Ulster levy for 2018
- To Receive the following Reports
- Secretary’s report
- Vice Chairman’s Report
- Safeguarding Officer’s report
- Road Commission report
- Off-Road Commission report
- Youth Academy report
- BMX Report
- Track Commission report
- Women’s Commission report
- Commonwealth Games Update
- Mary Peter’s Awards and Leisure
- Technical Officer’s report
Proposed new Constitution Discussion and Ratification
- Marian Lamb will give a brief overview of the main changes to the constitution.
- Discussion on points raised
- Any amendments proposed from floor
- Amendments put to vote
- Vote to ratify the constitution
- Vote to empower Cycling Ulster Executive to make minor changes in consultation with Cycling Ireland
- Vote to make new constitution effective immediately
The Updated Constitution will be on the website on Monday evening for download.
(An overview of the major changes will be given by Marian Lamb)
- To fix the Cycling Ulster rider levy on competitive road events to £1.
Proposed by Omagh CC
Cycling Ulster used this levy up to 2013 as a source of income to support commission budgets. At the AGM in 2013 it was dropped due to a lack of member support as it was deemed that CU did not require this financial support.
We have seen how CU are now actively using their budget to support all commissions fairly and evenly and the current rate of income versus spend is unsustainable. However, we need to build sustainable sources of income to support the development of our competitive road riders. This small contribution per event does make a big contribution over the year. We propose the levy is focused on road competitive events and ring-fenced to support the road commission budget. We would suggest other commissions consider a similar approach for relevant disciplines.
- Proposal for members to vote in Non- Executive Roles
Proposed by Banbridge CC
It is proposed that the named non-executive voluntary office bearers’ appointments be voted in by within Cycling Ulster be voted in by the membership in line with other voluntary office bearers.
It is hoped that this will allow any potential candidates for the positions to have a formal, democratic process to follow without having to prematurely out any existing office bearers or wait for the Role to become vacant.
- We propose that there is a fixed term for these office bearers
Proposed by Banbridge CC
Results co-ordinator – 2 years
Technical Officer – 3 years
Road Commissaire Co-ordinator – 1 Year
Item 9 Election of Officers
Chairperson – one nominee – Tommy McCague proposed by Emyvale CC
Treasurer – one nominee – Oliver Hunter proposed by Bann Valley RC
Safeguarding Officer – on nominee – Marian Lamb Proposed by Phoenix CC
Executive Officers – there are four positions available and four nominations were received.
Tommy Lamb proposed by Phoenix CC
Mark Moroney proposed by Foyle C
Maurice McAllister proposed by Ballymoney CC
Julie Rea proposed by Phoenix CC
Close of business.