The 2018 Cycling Ireland AGM will take place on the 10th of November at the Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.

Encouraging strong representation from Ulster clubs, Cycling Ulster Vice Chairman, Tommy McCague said:

“The Cycling Ireland AGM is an opportunity for all our members and clubs to have their say. I would encourage clubs to be proactive as the organisation belongs to the members, hopefully clubs will submit motions in areas where they feel changes need to be made and consider nominations for the Cycling Ireland Board.

“The date for the Cycling Ulster AGM will be announced in the next few days and we also hope to hold our Commissions AGMs in the next month to six weeks. Again it is important that members attend these events and get involved.”

Motions and Board Nominations for Cycling Ireland are to be returned no later than 1700 hours on the 21st of September 2018 to Cycling Ireland preferable by email to with the subject line “2018 CI AGM”. All submissions will be acknowledged. It is recommended that any motions of a sporting or technical nature should be discussed with the relevant Commission(s).

More information including links to Board Nomination Forms and Motion Forms can be seen in link below.