The Cycling Ulster Track Commission AGM will take place next Sunday, 22nd January in the Bowling Pavilion at Orangefield at 2.30pm. Orangefield Lane, Bloomfield Road, Belfast, BT5 Positions on the Commission The commission will be made up of the following positions....
Your chance to get involved in Woman’s Cycling The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cycling Ulster Woman’s Commission will take place on Friday 27th January 2017 at Velo Cafe Magasin, 143 North Street Belfast BT1 at...
Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission – AGM The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission will take place on Saturday 4 February 2017. The venue is “The Seagoe Hotel” Upper Church Lane, Portadown BT63 SJE
Cycling Ulster will be running a Basic Safeguarding Awareness Course in Killinchy on Thursday 19th January 2017. The course was requested by Killinchy CC and so far members of both Killinchy and Dromara CC have signed up. The course will be delivered b Marian Lamb, a...
Last night a meeting was held in Toome to form the new Cycling Ulster Road Commission for 2017. The meeting was well attended by both interested parties and members of the Executive. Maurice McAllister, Chairman of Cycling Ulster provided an overarching view of the...